Career Development Center

The Career Development Center (CDC), Women University Swabi is a specialized body, exclusively dedicated to equip and facilitate Women University Swabi’s graduatesfor respectable jobs, internship opportunities, trainings, workshops, entrepreneurships and higher studies. CDC is platform that would help the graduates to make rational decisions in the selection of job, best suited to their interests. CDC will assist students in terms of interview preparation, competitive examinations/tests, CVs preparation and other necessary skills like report writing, communication, interpersonal and leadership. It would enhance the capabilities of our graduates and provide greater opportunities to absorb our students in both national and international markets.
CDC, Women University Swabi is committed to assist students in developing, understanding and materializing their professional goals. The Center provides detailed guidelines to students to choose right specialization relevant to the area of their interest. The main purpose of establishing CDC is to instillnecessary acumen in our students and alumni to make appropriate decisionsabout their job, specialization and higher studies at right moments.

Deputy Director, Career Development Center

Email: careercell@wus.edu.pk

Women university Swabi | Career Development Center Swabi


In the contemporary job market,the foremost concern of educational organizationsis theprepartaion of suitable candidates for theright job. The main mission of Career Development Center (CDC), Women University Swabi is to provide a platform that would directly link students with the job market. CDC aims to develop and enhance students’ creativity and discover their latent potentials to betterly take their future socioeconomic roles. In this context, the Career Development Center would play a meaningful role byextending services, designing programs, and planning activities for students and alumni. Itwould certainly accelerate their job market awareness, work performance and professional confidence by channelizing their talent, capabilities, and professional skills.
To conclude, Career Development Center, Women University Swabiwould define aframework for life-long and rewarding careers for our graduates.

Objectives of the CDC

1. To assist students for professional planning and career selection
2. To provide timely and hands-on information regarding jobs opportunities and internships
3. To develop and strengthen links with a range of prospective employers
4. To provide guidance to our graduates for higher studies
5. To help make students to beindependent and professionally sound individuals, bygiving exposure of diverse range of trainings and workshops
6. To help students to settheir educational and career oriented goals
7. To inculcate decision-making skills for selection of suitable jobsand entrepreneurship
8. To help students to build practical strategies for better management of educational pursuits.

Our Services

We offer following services/guidance to our graduates for:
1. Career Counselling
2. Internships
3. Higher Studies
4. Jobs searching
5. Career development programs, workshops and seminars
6. Interviewing skills
7. Resume/ CV & Cover Letter guidance

1. Career Counseling

CDC would contrive to arrange counseling sessions for students and alumni that would be extremely helpful in choosing a career.

2. Internship

CDC provides an opportunity to students to translate their theoretical understanding into practical ventures by engaging them in a diverse range of internship programs.

3. Higher Learning

CDC facilitates and encourages students to pursue their higher studies in disciplines/specializations of their interest.

4. Job Search

CDC also identifies and disseminates information regarding available jobs in the market to relevant graduates.

5. Career Development Workshops and Seminar

The Career Development Center designs different training modules and organizes seminars and workshops to help graduates to develop their managerial, interview, communication skill and resume writing skills.

6. Interviewing skill

Interviewing skill is of key importance for making graduates stand prominent among the pool of candidates and securing a good job.Employers mainly evaluate the intelligence and behavioral skills of candidates. CDC will inculcate different useful interview skills to handle all sorts of job interviews.

7. Resume/ CV& Cover Letter Assistance

Resume is a list of legally defensible statements of facts about oneself.A powerful resume must be accompanied bya goodcover letter.CDC provides necessary assistance in the drafting of these important job documents.

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